Probably the most beautiful breed in the world

We are devastated beyond words to have to announce that our Chairman, Robert Greaves passed away this morning after a short illness. Robert's passion for his breeds and their history is well known, and the Club will always be grateful for the way he stepped in as Chairman for the good of our Club. Since then he has guided the committee with dedication and common sense. He was overjoyed last year when his Ch Kunniakas Look No Further at Whittimere took the title of Breed Record Holder. Robert was a true gentleman and will be missed very much by many people. . God Bless you Robert ,
(Please respect the feelings and wishes of family and close friends and do not contact at this traumatic time)
There is still time to write an article or take out an advert in the 2019 Finnish Spitz Club Yearbook, the deadline is 17th January 2020.
Please send any article or adverts (£10 per page) to the Yearbook editor by email to: vbyrnefamily@hotmail.co.uk.

Our 52nd Championship Show was a great event- photographs and full report have now been added, the judges critique will be added once received.
You can also follow the link above for photos and reports of the last 2 years Championship Shows.
Thanks to for their kind support.
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Please bear with us whilst we are updating the Archives section of the website.
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Breed history was made last Saturday 14th December 2019, when Robert Greaves' Ch & Ir Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere won his 44th Challenge Certificate at LKA from judge Mr John R Clay.
“Rigsby” - Ch/Ir Ch Kunniakas Look No Further For Whittimere was born on the 26th April 2009, by Ch / Am Ch Kunniakas Kovu ShCM x Ch Kunniakas The Old Rag Doll. He was bred by Linda, Tony, Lucy, Ian, Stuart & Karen Byrne. His sire “Kovu” was the previous breed record holder with 43 CCs.
Rigsby won his first CC and BOB at Crufts in 2010 at 10 months of age and has won, in total 44 CC’s, 40 BOBs and 11 Res CC’s.
Plus, at Championship Show level – 15 Adult Group placings: 2x Group 1 (Including BIS at Hound Association of Scotland in 2011 – the only FS to achieve BIS at a Hound Group Ch Show), 3 x Group 2, 2 x Group 3, 8 x Group 4. He was top FS in the UK in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2018.
Many congratulations to Rigsby and Robert.

Friday 7th September 2018 saw the breeds 5th new Champion of the year gain his 3rd and qualifying Challenge Certificate, subject to KC confirmation.
Brian and Clare Matsers', Stanley, Ch Toveri Teppo By Markku, gained his 3rd Challenge Certificate under Finnish judge, Kari Jarvinen, at Richmond Championship show.
Well done to Stanley, Brian and Clare.
Friday 31st August 2018 was Hound Group day at City Of Birmingham Championship Show, where our judge Jill Peak made up the breeds 4th new Champuion of 2018.
Jill awarded the Challenge Certifcate and Best Of Breed to Dolores Montgomery and Angela Cavills' Champion & Fin Ch Karahkan Fransu To Toveri (Fin IMP).
Imported from Finland in October 2017, subject to KC confirmation, Fransu now has his Champion title to go with his Finnish Champion title he gained before coming to Scotland to live with Dolores.
Many congratulations to Dolores and Angela.

Sunday 12th August 2018 saw Bournemouth Championship Show, where we had our 3rd new Champion Finnish Spitz of the year gain their title.
David Rolfes' Ch Puulatva The Red Norseman Among Inkivaari (Nico) was awarded his 3rd Challenge Certificate and Best Of Breed from judge Zena Thorn-Andrews.
Many congratulations to David and Nico.
Last Sunday 20th May 2018 saw the SKC Championship show, where Finnish Spitz were judged by breed specialist David Rolfe, on the day the breed saw, subject to KC confirmation, a new champion gain his title.
Dolores Montgomerys' Ch Pettukangas Karu For Toveri (Imp FIN), (pictured), who also won Best of Breed on the day, Karu was imported from Finland at 15 weeks old, and lives in Scotland with Dolores and David Montgomery.
Many congratulations.

Latest News 2017
Angela Cavill's book about Finnish Spitz is now published in Finnish.

The weekend of the 23rd June 2017 saw Toveri Turo Of Lelaps win his 3rd CC at Blackpool Championship show, making him the breeds 2nd new Champion of 2017, many congratulations to his owners David Knights and John Stokes.

The 12th August saw Bournemouth Canine Association Championship Show, where our judge John Clay, awarded a 3rd and crowning CC to David Knights and John Stokes', Toveri Tosca Of Lelaps, so subject to KC confirmation, this makes Tosca the 3rd new champion in our breed this year, many congratulations to David and John.
The weekend of the 21st May 2017 saw Kekkeruusin Emma Through Toveri (Imp FIN) win her 4th CC and Best of Breed, at the SKC Championship Show, and subject to KC confirmation is now a Champion! This is at the age of 12 months and 13 days.