The Finnish Spitz Club
Joint Judges Sub-Committee
Chairman: Robert Greaves
A1 LIST – Approved by the Kennel Club and supported by the Club and Society Joint Judges Sub-Committee to judge Finnish Spitz at Championship Shows with Challenge Certificates.
July 2017
A1 - Breed Specialists:
Mrs L. Anderson
Miss S. Andrews-Webb - Retired
Mrs E.D. Baird
Mr I.R. Byrne
Mrs L.A. Byrne
Mr S.A. Byrne
Mrs A.M. Cavill
Mr D.C. Cavill
Mr R. Doedijns (Holland)
Miss M Heikkila (Finland)
Mr G. Hickey (Ireland)
Mr J. Hirvela (Finland)
Mrs M. Holmli (Norway)
Mr R. Korpela (Finland)
Mrs J.R. Mansfield
Miss P.A. McQuaide
Mrs M.D. Montgomery
Mrs T.H. Morgan-Brough (France)
Mrs A.M. Piearce
Mr S.D. Piearce
Mr D.J. Rolfe
Mr R. Tuomainen (Finland)
Mrs C.A. Wedge
Mrs B.A. Williams
A1- Non Specialsit:
Mrs J.E.A. Arch – Retired
Mrs B. Banbury
Mrs C.E. Cartledge
Mrs A. Cawthera-Gwynne
Mr J.R. Clay
Mr M.G. Cocozza
Mrs C.E. Coxall
Miss M.B. Deats
Miss S. Finnett
Mr G. Flyckt-Pedersen
Mr R. Frostad (Norway)
Mr C.R. Gilbert
Mr R.I. Greaves
Mrs P. Heikkinen-Lehkonen (Finland)
Mr G. Hill
Mr J. Horswell
Mr K.J. Jarvinen (Finland)
Mr F. Kane
Miss J.M. Lanning JP
Mr B. Lundstrom (Sweden)
Mrs E.A. Macdonald
Mr S.J. Mallard
Mrs J. Peak
Mrs V. Phillips
Mr M.S. Quinney
Mr B.W. Reynolds-Frost
Mr G. Robertson
Mrs W.A. Sharman
Mr N.J. Simms
Mrs F.A. Somerfield – Retired
Miss D. Spavin
Mrs M.M. Spavin - Retired
Miss D.J. Startup
Mrs M. Talvitie (Finland)
Mrs Z. Thorn-Andrews
Mr C.K. Thornton
Mr A. Wight
Mr K.S. Wilberg
Mr C. Window
Mrs N.K. Window
A3 LIST – Not yet approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates but supported by the Club and Society Joint Judges Sub-Committee to judge Finnish Spitz at Championship Shows with and without Challenge Certificates and at Open Shows.
A3 – Breed Specialists:
Mrs I. Slater
A3 – Non Specialists:
Mr D. Knights
Mrs J. Maxwell
B LIST – Supported by the Club and Society Joint Judges Sub-Committee to judge Finnish Spitz at Championship Shows without Challenge Certificates and at Open Shows.
B – Breed Specialists:
Mrs F. Ash
Miss A. Rolfe
Mrs H. Thompson
B – Non Specialists:
Mr T. Ball
Mr G. Corish
Mrs H. Fitzgibbon
Mrs J.A. Guy
Mr T. Munro
Mr R.P. Oldham
Ms M. Sargent
C - LIST – For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Club and Society Joint Judges Sub-Committee.
C – Breed Specialists:
Miss H. Clark
Mr T.C. Howlett
Mrs C. Masters
Mr D. Montgomery
Mr G. Sahota
C – Non Specialists:
Miss J. Bayliss
Mrs L.E. Binks
Mr N. Blackstock
Mrs D. Cook
Mrs K. Cooper
Mr W. Croxford
Mr G.A. Dymock
Miss A. Haugstad
Ms S. Hewart-Chambers
Mr P.G. Matfin
Mrs T. Maun
Mr R. McLeod
Ms T. Mortimer
Mrs C.M. Mortlock
Mrs J. Sharpe-Bale