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The 85th AGM of the Finnish Spitz Club, was held on Sunday, April10th 2022.

At the meeting the following officers and committee were elected:
Chairman: Stuart Byrne
Secretary: David Knight
Treasurer: Karen Byrne

Committee: Stuart Byrne, Trevor Howlett, Yvonne Howlett, Pam McQuaide, Brian Masters.

Co-opted ClareMasters.

The AGM also elected Angela Cavill as President.

The Committee and members paid tribute to the outgoing Treasurer Steve Piearce and thanked him for his 17 years in this position.

The Annual Trophies were awarded as follows:

The Scholtens-Keyser Cup for Top winning Finnish Spitz:
Ch Kekkeruusin Emma through Toveri (Imp Finland) owned by Karen Byrne and Angela Cavill.
Emma also won: The Päivikki Trophy for Top Winning Bitch and the Swedish Lennek Kennel Vandrings Pris for Top Puppy Bitch.
The Guinea Trophy for Top Winning Dog : Ch Ir Ch Kunniakas Look No Further for Whittemere owned by Robert Greaves who also won the Roy Mant Memorial Salver for wins in Veteran Classes. 
The Lady Stanier Rose Bowl for bitch bred by exhibitor winning most CCs: Yoivo Taia owned by Jo Mansfield. 
The Toveri Tawnii Gem Salver for dog or bitch never having won a CC based on the Res CCs in 2017: Korpi Ella owned by Felicity Ash. 
The Ch Toveri Nero Cup for Top Puppy Dog: Sukunimi Cuillin owned by Karen Brown and Lawrence Thompson. 
Top Breeder Trophy: Toveri - David and Angela Cavill, Hannah and Rob Thompson.






















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