Saturday 7th October 2017 saw the 50th Championship Show of the Finnish Spitz Club.
The judge was Mrs Mari Lackman from Finland, and was held at Baginton Village Hall, Baginton, CV83AB.
The show opened at 10:00am with judging starting promptly at 11:00am, there was a warm welcome, and a great atmosphere throughout the day.
Following tradition Angela Cavill donated a boutonniere for every lady present in memory of Finnish Spitz no longer with us.
It was lovely to see so many people at the Show, and pleasing that there was interest from exhibitors from other breeds enjoying the day, including Jill Cowper and Annelise Haugstad (Elkhounds) and Jane Maxwell (Dachshunds), to name a few.
It was lovely also to see old friends of the breed at the show, with Linda Anderson back around the ringside, and Dolores Montgomery making a welcome return to the show ring.
I´m Mari Lackman from North Karelia, eastern part of Finland. The area where I live is nearby Russia. There is a lot of forest areas, also many different hunting dog breeds from our Group 5 (alkukantaiset metsästyspystykorvt ja lappalaiset paimenpystykorvat).
I like most this lovely national treasure breed, they are lively, a beautiful colour and most of them have excellent working ability, family loyalty is one big thing too.
We have always kept Finnish Spitz females at home in my childhood, also my grandparents had this kind of dog.
I judge from our groups five and six (Spitz and Hounds). My own breeds are Finnish Spitz, East Siberian Laika and Lapponian Herder, so those different kind of spitz are most familiar breeds to me. At the moment four East Siberian Laikas, two Lapponian Herders and two Finnish spitz live with us, I have been breeding all these three breeds since the year 2000.
We live in the countryside, hobbies are so many ways with dogs. In summer cycling, swimming and summer cottage life with relatives, close friends and also with all our dogs is relaxing.
Autumn is hunting time, in winter the Laikas work with sleds. If there is time enough from judging and working, I go to the dog shows and hunting tests with my own dogs. I have also qualified as a trial judge for elk, bear and bird trials.
Have a nice autumn time.
Three of the many special prizes
donated by Suomenkennelliitto (Finnish Kennel Club) and
Suomenpystykorvajärjestö (Spitz Club of Finland) for our Golden
Anniversary Championship Show. Other prizes include engraved glasses,
items from Finland and of course gifts for both dogs and exhibitors from
What a great day was had by everyone who attended the 50th Championship Show of the Finnish Spitz Club on Saturday the 7th October 2017.
The beautiful catalogue, which was full of colour adverts, with the finishing touch of a gold tassel.
The bumper raffle table!!
Run brilliantly by Trevor and Yvonne Howlett, and Yvonne's sister.
Jack and Evie Byrne preparing the specials for each exhibit.
Setting up underway, Brian Masters, Clare Masters, Stuart Byrne and Steve Piearce.
Pam McQuaide, was in charge of catalogues and the Club Shop.
Hon. Secretary, Nicola Croxford, who was running her first Finnish Spitz Club Championship show.
Brian (Trophy Steward) and Clare Masters, did a wonderful job of displaying the trophies and beautiful rosettes.
A busy ringside preparing for the start of judging.
Karen Byrne, one of the co-stewards at the show.
Mari Lackman writing up her critiques, with co-steward Treveor Howlett.
Stuart Byrne, with the Reserve Bitch CC winner, Ch Kekkeruusin Emma Through Toveri (Imp FIN).
Evie Byrne in the Junior handling class.
Best In Show, Clare and Brian Masters, Champin Toveri Neiti.
The main dog winners, from l-r, Dog CC and RBIS, Ch Sukunim Haway Geordie, Dog Res CC Ch Toveri Turo Of Lelaps, and Best Puppy in Show Sukunim Cuillin.
Clare Masters with the Best Brace In Show.
Clare Masters receiving the awards as owner of the Bitch CC and Best In Show.
Reserve Best In Show and Dog CC winner owner Linda Anderson receiving her trophies.
David Knights owner of the Reserve CC winning dog.
Stuart Byrne receiving the trophy for Reserve Bitch CC
Jo Mansfield, collects her trophy for Best Junior in Show.
Angela Cavill, as one of the co-breeders of the Best in Show, receiving her awards.
Stuart Hallett picking up the trophy for Best Graduate in Show.
Steve Piearce receives the trophy for breeder of Best Opposite Sex In Show.
Karen Thomson co-owner of the Best Puppy In Show.
Steve North the owner of the Best Novice, Post Graduate and Special Beginners in Show.
Evie Byrne winner of Best Junior Handler in Show.
Presentation to the Judge, Mari Lackman, the Stewards Trevor Howlett and Karen Byrne.
One of the beautifully engraved special glasses kindly donated by David & Dolores Montgomery and David & Angela Cavill.
Angela Cavill presenting Steve Pierce with a memento of the day for all his work as Show Manager & Treasurer.
Rounding of an excellent day, our judge,Mari Lackman, starts the celebrations by cutting the cake, kindly donated by Steve and Alison Piearce, which was accompanied by a champagne toast courtesy of Dave and Angela Cavill.
The exhibitors special gift this year was this stunning and unique luggage label holder. All exhibitors received one, I would personally like to thank the Finnish Spitz Club and Dolores and David Montgomery for this kind gift.
Finnish Spitz Club 50th Anniversary Championship Show 7th October 2017
I should like to thank the Finnish Spitz Club for the invitation to judge at this special Golden Anniversary Show. It was a great honour. This year is the Centenary of Finland’s Independence and Finnish Spitz are part of our culture.
It was a very nice atmosphere and also the exhibitors were very sporting. The show was very well organised – my thanks to the organisers.
What impressed me most was that the dogs/bitches’ gender was clear and also that they all had very good tails.
The bitches, especially, were of high quality. A few exhibits had light eyes and please pay attention to dentition – there were some with missing teeth and some with tartar. Lastly, please keep your dogs in a fit condition. Remember that even if they cannot be used for their original purpose in this country they are hunting dogs.
Best in Show: Masters' Ch Toveri Neiti
Reserve BIS: Anderson & Piearce's Ch Sukunimi Haway Geordie
Reserve Bitch CC: Byrne & Cavill's Ch Kekkeruusin Emma through Toveri (Imp FIN)
Reserve Dog CC: Knight & Stakes' Ch Toveri Turo of Lelaps
Puppy D (1) 1st B Puppy, Brown & Thomson’s Sukunimi Cuillin promising proportions and upstanding with good ring presence, but still a bit leggy, eyes could be darker, good tail, good shoulder markings, still black in the tail, moved acceptably for a puppy but the back movement needs to strengthen.
Junior D (2) 1st Sukunimi Cuillin 2nd Tann’s Yoivo Aarni, masculine, nice proportions, good colour and tail, still narrow through and leggy and needs time to strengthen. Movement OK from the side, but narrow in front and rear.
Novice D (2) 1st North’s Toveri Tynni from Markku, 3 years old clearly male in looks, strong bone, a bit long in loin, excellent tail, colour and coat, very dark eye, balanced but rear angulation could be stronger. I wish this dog had been in more hard condition and would be squarer in outline, movement good. 2nd Yoivo Aarni.
Graduate D (1) 1st Hallett’s Yoivo Theodorus, clearly male, excellent type and proportions from the side but the skull should be less rounded and taper more evenly, slightly foreign expression, some missing teeth, good chest and front legs, hind quarters could be stronger, excellent tail and set, good colour, needs ring practice.
Post Graduate (3, 1 abs) 1st Toveri Tynni from Markku 2nd Yoivo Theodorus.
Limit D (2) 1st Hallett’s Sukunimi Otto, 2 year old, balanced in build, excellent working condition, a bit light in eye, slightly untypical expression, quite good proportions and movement, excellent coat quality but not in full coat, good colour and tailset, still narrow through which was reflected in movement front and back, side movement OK, just needs time to develop; 2nd Toveri Tynni from Markku.
Open D (8, 1 abs) 1st CC & BOS, Anderson & Piearce’s Ch Sukunimi Haway Geordie, excellent type and clearly male, quite good condition, excellent proportions and balanced, correct bone, excellent movement, colour could be brighter but shoulder markings correct. 2nd & Res CC Knight & Stokes’ Ch Toveri Turo of Lelaps, excellent type, marvellous driving movement from front and back, good body, forechest slightly narrow, slightly long in loin, excellent coat quality and colour and tail, in excellent working condition, showed wel 3rd Masters’ Toveri Teppo by Markku, excellent type, proportions, body and masculine; a bit narrow just needs time, balanced movement (when he decides to settle!), bright, clear colour, excellent tail, a couple of missing teeth, nice typical temperament 4th Sukunimi Otto VHC Honisett’s Valokki Vihtori Veli, excellent type, above medium size, a bit narrow head, couple of missing teeth, excellent colour, coat and tail, moves well
Sp Beginners D (2) 1st Toveri Tynni from Markku 2nd Yoivo Aarni.
Junior Handling (1) 1st Evie Byrne
Puppy B (1) 1st Piearce’s Sukunimi Tiger Mai, 9 months old, promising proportions, lovely temperament, excellent head shape from side, but needs time, ears a bit wide-set, excellent tail set and tail, rather dark red puppy coat and movement still immature.
Junior B (1) 1st Mansfield’s Yoivo Taia, 1 year old promising, lovely expression, and temperament, excellent proportions and well angulated, movement still a bit narrow in front, excellent tail, promising coat quality of good colour and brightness.
Limit B (1) 1st Piearce’s Sukunimi Tiger Rose, excellent type, too strong head for female, a bit light eyes, balanced build, typical temperament, excellent colour and brightness, good tail, tail set and moved well, coat could be a little harder.
Open B (3) 1st & Res CC, Byrne and Cavill’s Ch Kekkeruusin Emma through Toveri 18 months, excellent breed type and lovely expression, beautiful dark eyes and nice ears, well constructed and upstanding, excellent coat quality of beautiful bright red colour with variations, excellent tailset and tail, slightly narrow coming towards otherwise good drive and movement 2nd Knight & Stokes’ Ch Toveri Tosca of Lelaps, excellent type, suitable proportions for female, good head profile , slightly round eyes, strong body, excellent bones, tail and tailset, slightly wide back movement, could be more fit, coat could be harsher with more shading 3rd Mansfield’s Ch Sukunimi Kyri of Yoivo, 5 years old above medium size, excellent proportions, body and bone, good head shape from side, a couple of missing teeth, soft topline, excellent tail and set, good coat quality and colour, high on the hock.
Veteran B (5, 2 abs): 1st, CC & BIS Masters’ Ch Toveri Neiti, 9 years old, up to size, "Very lovely old lady," normal scissor bite, excellent type and upstanding, thoroughly well built, excellent angulations, coat, colour, tailset and tail, moment very parallel and balanced, kept her topline when moving 2nd Mansfield & Baird’s Yoivo Kandi, over 14 years old, excellent type, beautiful face, now white with lovely expression, excellent and exceptionally strong and well cared teeth despite her age, upstanding and good coat colour despite her age, congratulations to owner and long happy and healthy years to that lovely veteran 3rd McQuaide’s Toveri Neito, strong, dark red colour 9 years old, good head and expression, soft topline, could be fitter, coat a bit soft, shoulder markings could be more pronounced, excellent angulations, beautiful model movement, tail a bit short and open, lovely temperament.
Brace (2): Both pairs were uniform. 1st Mr & Mrs Masters’, uniform in type and movement, beautifully built, excellent breed type, clear red colour and shading and typical temperaments; 2nd Mr Hallett’s, 2 males, uniform in type, masculine, good tails.
Judge: Mrs Mari Lackman (Finland)